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"I asked Wayno Cochran what West Maui would be like if everybody voted, not just the older people and those with money. He had a John Lennon sort of moment. "One hundred percent different world," he said. "We wouldn't have wars; we would be self sustaining. If everybody voted, you'd have great candidates.
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Eve's Apple, or Women's Narrative Bytes. Technocriticism and Hypernarrative, special issue of Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 43, no. 3, 1997, pp. 631 50. Project Muse, doi:10.
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However, it would appear that such an event can aid in a persons attempt the reassure the victims that all will be as it once was. I am making reference here to the two presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The following article in The Economist Lexingtons Notebook prompted my interest in this,ne can see that members of the Obama Administration located in Chicago were very quick to assure the American population that the President is focused on the storm and governing the country. Additionally, this article further relates to the fact that the handling of such a disaster can greatly aid the current President Obama. It must be noted that as each Presidential Poll is released, the support of Romney appears to be strengthening. I feel that Obama may use this to the best of his advantage. I feel that the current President will remind his followers and current skeptics the work that he and his administration conducted in Joplin, Missouri last year when a devastating tornado hit. I remember following that event very closely and the immediate aid that was present had a profound impact on me. This may prove to some that he is the ideal candidate to have if and when such a disaster hits as he promised to the victims that they were not going anywhere. However, some believe that this black swan may help Romney in his bid for the American Presidency. Romney will know that he must act accordingly and will not be quick to forget how George W.
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I really feel that our democratic values are on the rocks, and this is yet another example. These revelations from Wikileaks brought to you by Real News and Paul Zeese about the rapid strengthening of corporate power through three new trade agreements put into context the domestic elections here and te EU referendum and where true power lies. The fast track battle on Capitol Hill could decide the fate of not TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Pact, TTP Trans Pacific Partership and TiSA Trade In Services Agreement. This has consequences way beyond America. The documents expose the largest trade deal in history, which is currently being negotiated by 52 nations, providing further evidence of how a self selected group of mainly rich countries plans to bypass other governments in the World Trade Organization WTO and rewrite its services agreement in the interests of their corporations. Wilikleaks stated: Together the three treaties form not only a new legal order shaped for transnational corporations but a new economic grand enclosure which excludes China and all other BRICS countries. The three treaties, the Three Big Ts, aim to create a new international legal regime that will allow transnational corporations to bypass domestic courts, evade environmental protections, police the internet on behalf of the content industry, limit the availability of affordable generic medicines, and drastically curtail each countrys legislative sovereignty. Bella Caledonia Editor | May 2, 2016 at 8:16 am | Tags: NoTTIP, StopTTIP, TiSA, TTIP, Wikileaks | Categories: International | URL: Comment See all commentsI see that Canada is now dismantling and commercializing its meagre aid efforts less than 0. 4% of GDP, compared with little Norways 1% commitment even under the new Conservative Populist regime. In this it follows Australia. Both are or have amalgamated their aid agencies with their Foreign Office.
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