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While children in the preoperational stage are able to internally represent reality through the use of symbols such as language and mental images, concrete operational children move beyond this simple mental representation of objects and actions and are able to logically integrate, order, and transform these objects and actions. For instance, because preoperational children cannot integrate information about height and width simultaneously, they are unable to recognize that water poured from a short, wide container into a tall, narrow container represents the same volume of water. Yet once they reach the age of reason, their maturational level converges with their accumulated experiences to facilitate a qualitative shift toward concrete operational thinking. 3. Give three learning strategies on how you can help your students' encode, store and retrieve information. Visual Uses visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures, and seeing information Can read body language well and has a good perception of aesthetics Able to memorize and recall various information Tends to remember things that are written down Learns better in lectures by watching themAuditory Retains information through hearing and speaking Often prefers to be told how to do things and then summarizes the main points out loud to help with memorization Notices different aspects of speaking Often has talents in music and may concentrate better with soft music playing in the backgroundKinesthetic Likes to use the hands on approach to learn new material Is generally good in math and science Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explain it Usually prefers group work more than othersThis week we have continued to address the topic of abortion and the different points of views around the world. We have specifically begun to discuss the opposing political viewpoints. I have posted some articles that provide examples which shed light on the opinions and norms of both Republican and Democratic parties below. Before reviewing the articles reflect back on what we discussed in class on Wednesday in relevance to the different political party viewpoints Red and Blue. What are their ideas on abortions?What reasonings can support these ideas?The terms Pro life and Pro choice have been associated with the idea of abortion for years. Persons who are "Pro life" are usually against abortions and believe that even if a baby has not been born he/she is still alive.

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As they idled in taxi holding pens at the airport, waiting for a fare, Schifter and Faiz would sit in each others passenger seats talking about food and religion Faiz is Muslim; Schifter was Jewish. Whenever one of them clocked in, he would scan the dispatch list for the radio number of the other 410 for Schifter, 248 for Faiz. Faizs daughter, Aisha, called Schifter Uncle Doug. In 2004, with the money he made driving a black car, Schifter bought a split level house nestled at the edge of a state forest in the Poconos, 110 miles west of Manhattan. He made the place his sanctuary, setting up a hammock on the back deck and building a library of 400 cookbooks. He made ice cream, baked bread, and marinated meat for barbecue, an obsession for which hed amassed three smokers, a kamado style ceramic grill, a commercial deli slicer, and a vacuum sealer. He loved sharing new dishes with his fellow drivers; once he drove all the way from the Poconos to Queens to deliver some halal fried chicken hed prepared for Faiz, who had been hospitalized with an autoimmune disease. Living so far from the city was hard. Commuting to midtown took two and a half hours on the rare occasions that there wasnt any traffic. One winter morning in 2005, Schifter was up and preparing for work at 2 a. m.
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Marketers must understand the different demographic groupings that exist and the demographic changes that are constantly occurring. By the end of this reading, you will be able to discuss the demographic changes affecting the current marketing environment and identify common demographic traits used by marketers. This assessment is optional. Note that Boundless has a number of study aids like flashcards, study guides, and quizzes, which would be useful for mastery of these concepts. You will be required to create a free account with Boundless to do this; thus, these review exercises are optional. When you login, browse the Boundless books, and select marketing for your course. Select "Books in the menu of the left side of the webpage, and click on "Chapter 3: The Marketing Environment. Below section 3, you may click on "Review Flashcards or "Take Quiz. This section discusses the importance of identifying external market factors in order to anticipate trends and be prepared for adapting to market changes. By the end of this reading, you will be able to explain the different types of external factors or trends used in creating marketing strategies and discuss how technological advancements can impact marketing trends. This assessment is optional.
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As a solution, he introduces transformational generative grammar TGG, "a more powerful model . that might remedy these inadequacies. "Chomsky's transformational grammar has three parts: phrase structure rules, transformational rules and morphophonemic rules. The phrase structure rules are used for expanding grammatical categories and for substitutions. These yield a string of morphemes. A transformational rule "operates on a given string . with a given constituent structure and converts it into a new string with a new derived constituent structure. " It "may rearrange strings or may add or delete morphemes. " Transformational rules are of two kinds: obligatory or optional. Obligatory transformations applied on the "terminal strings" of the grammar produce the "kernel of the language". Kernel sentences are simple, active, declarative and affirmative sentences.